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We are inviting content creators, entertainers & digital influencers to partner with us and get ready to entertain the next billion Indians. Tamasha Influencers can not just engage their audience through fun & exciting shows but also monetise instantly.

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Let's clear some queries

You can sign-up via your phone number and OTP verification on the Tamasha App.
Unfortunately we do not have option to signup via email. You can however signup via phone number.
Your friend or contact who has already signed up on the Tamasha app can share a referral code with you. If you do not have a referral code, you can still proceed and sign up.
Yes, you must agree to all terms of service and privacy policy as a first time user.
A new user must agree/abide to the terms and conditions and privacy policy laid down by These lay the boundaries, rules and conditions within which a user can play and earn money on
No, the bonus cash can be used as entry fees for entering contests.
Upon signing up with your referral code, your friend will get Rs 20 as deposit cash.
No, only people who are above 18 years of age with a sound mind are allowed to play on
This is part of our terms and conditions policy. expects a level of maturity from the incoming players and hence the condition around age.